Training Practice




We regularly have a range of students and training doctors with us:

  • Third year medical students from Hull York Medical School: these are students who are still studying for their medical degree.  They may be observational during your consultation on Tuesdays.
  • Foundation Year 2 doctors: these are qualified doctors who, after medical school, complete a two year foundation programme combining work experience with training.  These doctors move around different medical specialties, including general practice, spending four months at Beacon Medical.  They consult independently under the supervision of our GP trainers.
  • GP specialty trainees: these are qualified doctors who have completed their foundation training and have decided to train to become GPs.  Their training lasts for three years and they will spend six months at Beacon Medical.  They consult independently under the supervision of our GP trainers.
  • Foreign externships: these are qualified doctors who have chosen to spend some time observing general practice in the UK.  They may be observational during your consultation.  
  • Trainee nurses: we host final year nursing degree students who are completing their training.  They may be observational or carrying out some procedures under supervision during your consultation.  

Dr Gupta and Dr Nayyar are both clinical trainers and have overall responsibility for the medical students, FY2 and GP specialty trainees.  Nurse Liz Smith is the nursing mentor.

Sometimes the doctors will ask whether they can video record your consultation.  This is very important for their training as the recording will be reviewed by their trainer and helps them improve their knowledge and communication skills.  They will ask for your consent before doing this.

If you would prefer an observational doctor or nurse not to be present during your consultation, please let us know.